“The government of the UNITED STATES is not, in any sense a Christian Nation!” – John Adams.

What we have been taught in school has been a lie. We were taught that the Pilgrims/Purtians left England to escape religious persecution. They came to America to worship God as they pleased, thereby cutting their ties with the Church of England. We were told that they landed on “Plymouth Rock.” They didn’t land on any rock at all. They didn’t even land in Plymouth. Their destination was “Northern Virginia” – but not the region of the current day that resides next to Washington, D.C. or Maryland. Back in the 1600s, many maps claimed that the entire eastern seaboard as Virginia, because a Virginia Company laid claim to it.
When the 41 survivors landed they knew that they needed a form of government and draft laws. In the hopes of creating a “city upon a hill” that would serve as a beacon to the rest of the world, they elected the most learned and respected member William Bradford. Bradford drafted what he called “An Association and Agreement” – which later became The Mayflower Compact in 1793.
The Founding Fathers attended church regularly and presented themselves as Christians with the congregation, but when they were with their fellow politicians they made no mention of God. They did however open their meetings and procedures with prayer and had a chaplain.
If you go to Washington, D.C., and look at any monument or office building you will see the Illuminati symbolism. The city and it’s streets are laid out in symbolism. The Supreme Council, 33, Scottish Rite Freemason Temple is located on 16th St, a known place for rituals is Meridian Hill Park also on 16th St,
They have led us to believe and given us an alternate reality. Dummy us down to believe just what they wanted us to believe. I have never seen The Matrix, at least not the whole Trilogy. I have seen bits and pieces of the original. But I can truly relate to the part where Morpheus tells Neil that this is his last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill – the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill you stay in Wonderland and I will show you how deep the rabbit- hole goes. I have stop taking the blue pill and have been going down the rabbit hole since 2014. I have discovered all kinds of lies that they have been taught. Since that time I have had to unlearn everything thing that I was taught. That is the purpose for my Blog, to deliver the truth to those who are still taking the blue pill.
Our forefathers were not Christians. We are not, nor have we ever been a Christian nation. Our Founding Fathers explicitly and clearly excluded any reference to “God” or the “Almighty” or any euphemism of a higher power in the Constitution. Not one word of “God” is mention in our founding document. Not one Time.
We are a Secular Nation founded on the principles of reason rather than faith. NO documents, motto, or currency of the UNITED STATES has every include creating the Republic included the word “God.” At the time of our founding fathers America’s, the accepted vernacular was laced with Christian terminology and the moral and social fabrics were deeply grounded in Biblical Literacy.

Taken in parts from an article in “Huffington Post” entitled “The Founding Fathers: We are not a Christian Nation” dated April 28th 2015 By: Jeff Schweiter